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Adult Leadership and Volunteer Positions





Troop Committee Chair


Chartered Organization Rep.




Assistant Scoutmasters












​​Advancement Chair


Camping Chair


Board of Review Coordinator


Court of Honor Coordinator


Eagle Coaches




Equipment Coordinator


Fundraising Co-Chairs



​​​​Legal Advisor


Merit Badge Coordinator


Merit Badge Counselors












New Member Coordinator


Parade/Ceremony Coordinator




Publicity Coordinator


Recruiting - Webelos




Scout Shop Runner


Scouting for Food Chair


​Service Coordinator


Supernova Awards Mentor


Trip Coordinators

Adult Leader


Matt Janchar


Tricia Tilford


Brian Kickham


Tim Gavin


Ben Anderson

Len Brown

Alex Coisman

Thomas Crutchfield

John Fitzgibbon

Joe Grocela

Eric Guardino

Doug Keene

Peter Shadday

Craig Tanny

Charles Tillen


​​Jim Steedle








Len Brown

Rich DeVito

Craig Tanny




Lori Glazier

Renae Shadday


Brian Kickham




Ben Anderson

Len Brown

Alex Coisman

Tim Gavin

Nancy Glaeser

Joe Grocela

Eric Guardino

Matt Janchar

Jim Steedle

Tricia Tilford

Charles Tillen












Tricia Tilford


Jim Steedle


John Fitzgibbon


Lori Glazier


Eric Guardino




Difficulty level: Leadership positions = 5, Chair = 4, Coordinator = 3, Committee = 2, Helper = 1


ADULT LEADERSHIP (Not formal members of the troop committee but advises the troop committee)


Scoutmaster (level 5, year round)

  • Responsible for working directly with the Scouts to help them create the program for the troop

  • Trains youth leaders to run the troop by providing direction, coaching, and support


Assistant Scoutmaster (level 4, year round)

  • Assists the Scoutmaster in delivering the troop program


Chartered Organization Representative (level 4, school year)

  • Serves as the direct contact between the troop and the chartered organization (Rotary Club of Weston and Wayland)

  • Serves as the organization's contact with the district committee and the local council

  • Obtains signatures on the Charter Renewal application and the Journey to Excellence form and submits to council


Troop Committee Chair (level 5, school year)

  • Chairs troop committee meetings and oversees the work of the troop committee

  • Appoints and supervises the troop committee and troop leaders

  • Oversees calendar planning and troop communications

  • Replies to inquiries from prospective families, leads parent orientation

  • Verifies that adults have current training

  • Completes Journey to Excellence reporting and Rechartering each December


Treasurer (level 4, school year)

  • Handles troop funds, pays bills, maintains accounts

  • Submits the Unit Money-Earning application to council for fundraisers

  • Creates annual budget

  • Establishes and maintains the PayPal account and works with the Webmaster to incorporate it into the website.

  • Updates signatories on bank accounts


Legal Advisor (level 3, school year)

  • Ensures troop forms, policies, procedures and practices conform with the standards of the Boy Scouts of America and applicable laws and regulations.

  • Reviews code of conduct and ensures reporting procedures are in place

  • Ensures money earning activities are in conformity with BSA standards

  • Reviews contracts before signed


Advancement Chair (level 4, school year)

  • Responsible for electronic record keeping of advancement (rank advancement, merit badges, tent nights, service hours)

  • Submits internet advancement reports

  • Prepares awards for distribution at the Courts of Honor

  • Works with the Court of Honor Coordinator to ensure Scouts are recognized for their accomplishments


Camping Chair (level 4, school year)

  • Oversees trip coordinators

  • Ensures monthly adventure program is offered


Troop Committee Members-at-Large (level 3, school year)

  • Regularly attend troop committee meetings

  • Assists the troop committee as needed




Board of Review Coordinator (level 2, school year)

  • Organizes the troop boards of review to ensure enough adults will be in attendance to conduct them


Court of Honor Coordinator (level 2, school year)

  • Works with the Advancement Chair to support the troop with the needs for the Court of Honor including Scout awards, program printing and refreshments


Eagle Coach (level 3, project based)

  • A registered adult leader who will support a Scout through the Eagle Scout service project process


Eagle Courts of Honor (level 3, school year)

  • Coordinates the planning, invitations, refreshments, etc. for the Eagle Courts of Honor


Equipment Coordinator (level 3, school year)

  • Works with the youth Quartermaster and is responsible for the purchase, inventory, storage, and maintenance of troop equipment

  • Orders Class B gear

  • Keeps supply of Class B t-shirts and gives one to each new Scout


Fundraising Chair (level 4, winter)

  • Leads the annual pasta dinner


Merit Badge Coordinator (level 3, school year)

  • Coordinates internal and external merit badge opportunities

  • Fills vacancies in troop merit badge counselors

  • Publicizes a schedule of internal merit badge opportunities

  • Publicizes external merit badge opportunities


Merit Badge Counselor (level 2, school year)

  • Registers as a member of BSA and completes BSA online training

  • Serves as a teacher and mentor to Scouts working on a merit badge in the counselor's area of interest and expertise


New Member Coordinator (level 2, school year)

  • Tells new families about the benefits of Scouting

  • Replies to inquiries from prospective families

  • Provides orientation to new families


Parade/Ceremony Coordinator (level 1, November and May)

  • Coordinates the troop's participation in the Weston Veterans Day ceremony and Weston Memorial Day parade


Photographer (level 1, school year)

  • Regularly attends events, takes candid shots and loads them to the website


Publicity Coordinator (level 2, school year)

  • Submits articles and photo captions for publication in the Weston Town Crier


Recruiting - Webelos (level 3, school year)

  • Coordinates with the PLC to host Webelos Scouting Adventure day

  • Assigns den chiefs to the Cub Scout pack

  • Coordinates with the Cub Scout pack for Boy Scouts to assist at pack events


Registrar (level 2, school year)

  • Helps new families complete the youth application and other joining paperwork

  • Obtains signatures on BSA adult applications and submits to council


Scout Shop Runner (level 1, school year)

  • Coordinates with Advancement Chair to purchase merit badges and awards from the Scout Shop


Scouting for Food Chair (level 3, fall)

  • Organizes routes for the annual food drive

  • Sorts and distributes materials to the Scouts

  • Delivers food to the food bank

  • Reports results to the council


Service Coordinator (level 2, school year)

  • Serves as the point of contact for organizations desiring service from the Scouts including Weston Winter Festival

  • Communicates service opportunities to the Scouts

  • Enters service hours into the Journey to Excellence website


Supernova Awards Mentor (level 2, varies)

  • Guides boys in STEM activities toward earning the Dr. Bernard Harris Supernova Award and the Thomas Edison Supernova Award


Trip Coordinators (level 2, varies)

  • Makes reservations and organizes trips including sufficient transportation needs


Ideally the troop has 10 trip coordinators (one for each month of September - June)



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