Scouting FAQ
What are the benefits of Scouting?
Scouting provides youth with an opportunity to try new things, provide service to others, build
self-confidence and leadership skills, and reinforce ethical standards.
Who provides leadership?
Troop 157 is boy-led, which means the senior boys in the troop (Patrol Leader Council) plan the
meetings and outings. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters provide direction, coaching,
and support.
What do parents do?
Adult volunteers provide safety, transportation, and behind-the-scenes support of the program and
activities. Every parent is expected to volunteer in some way for the troop. See Adult Leadership and Volunteer Positions.
It seems like a big jump for my son to go from adult-led Cub Scouts to boy-led Boy Scouts,
is he ready?
Scouting is all about progression. Your son will start out working on his Scout rank and by the
the time he is done with First Class he will have mastered basic Scout skills.
Can you tell me more about Troop 157?
Troop 157 meets at the Weston Scout House. The troop has been in existence since 1965 and is
chartered by the Rotary Club of Weston and Wayland. It is part of Mayflower Council (
and has boys in grades 6-12 from 5 towns.
Where can I find the latest about Troop 157?
We send news via MailChimp (please check your spam filter).
When are troop meetings?
Troop meetings are listed on the Google calendar. Generally, troop meetings are Tuesday evenings
(unless there is no school that day) from 6:30-8 pm at the Weston Scout House (86 School St., Weston).
My son was never a Cub Scout, can he still join Boy Scouts?
Absolutely! No previous experience necessary. Boys are welcome to join any time during the
Is my son too old to join Boy Scouts?
Boys are welcome to join any time up until the age of 18. Every new boy starts working on his
Scout rank whenever he joins. While many boys have the goal of becoming an Eagle Scout,
there are so many adventures and benefits even if a boy does not attain the rank of Eagle. If a
boy is extremely committed, he could join as late as age 15 and still have time to become an
Eagle Scout.
Does the troop go camping?
Yes, the troop has an overnight campout each month during the school year. In the summer, the
the troop goes to summer camp and often has a trip to one of the BSA high adventure bases (Summit
Bechtel Reserve, Philmont Scout Ranch, Florida Sea Base, and Northern Tier).
Can my son try a meeting before joining?
Absolutely! Boys are welcome to attend a Boy Scout meeting before deciding to join.
We have calendar conflicts, can we still participate?
Yes. Troop 157 offers a very rich Scouting experience and a very full calendar. Few can attend
every activity. No activities are mandatory.
How much are dues? What do they cover?
Dues are $150. This goes toward annual BSA registration ($80), BSA council program fee ($48), BSA unit fee ($3),
Scout Life magazine subscription ($15), Scout Handbook ($25), neckerchief ($11), neckerchief slide
($8), Troop 157 numerals ($5), Class B performance t-shirt ($10).
What do I need to pay for besides dues?
You need to acquire a uniform shirt for your son with the council shoulder patch and World Crest
emblem as well as green shoulder loops. Eventually you will need to buy a 36-inch sash. Remember
to sew the merit badges on the proper side! Some boys like to wear the Scout pants and Scout
belt but since boys grow fast these are optional. Boys will also need gear for overnight camping
trips. Note that the troop owns many items that the boys can borrow. Overnight trips have a fee,
which is the cost to the troop divided by the number of participants. Summer camp and high
adventure trips also have fees.
Is financial aid available?
Yes, no Scout is denied the experiences of Scouting due to financial reasons. Please speak with
the Treasurer for details.
How does Troop 157 pay for expenses in excess of dues?
The troop pays for merit badges, awards, troop gear, financial aid and other expenses through the
annual pasta dinner. Every Scout is expected to (1) sell tickets to the pasta dinner and (2)
volunteer at the pasta dinner.